Ex Populus Roles and Levels: A Fan Experience

Ex Populus
3 min readOct 20, 2021


To the Ex Populus Family. We have been absolutely thrilled at the incredible amount of support we have received from you during our first drop of LAMO playable characters and collectibles on the Ex Populus marketplace. If you are here, you are early. We appreciate you and want to take the next step in our community together. We are working diligently to make sure LAMO holders get a bunch of sweet perks and benefits. More on that early next week!

Our founders have backgrounds in AAA gaming and some of the largest publishing platforms in the industry. In fact, Tobias Batton the CEO of Ex Populus is known in the industry for creating Variable Dopamine Wavelength Mapping Theory which you can read about in this Forbes article. In short, expect masterfully built systems of incentives and rewards in everything we do together. The following is just the first step, but you can expect more as we grow together.

The Zone (A User Experience)

Today we are introducing “The Zone” which is a series of hidden channels that become available to you as you level up. Leveling up is easy, all you have to do is be an active participant in the community. Once you reach level 5, the apprentice role and hidden channel unlocks and a whole new world of mystery and rewards will be open to you. We will watch with excitement as you begin to unlock these hidden secrets and forbidden incantations. Want to know your level? Just type /rank

A Raindance

Each day at 8pm Pacific, the Community Managers along with the Ex Populus founders & LAMO team will come to general chat and have a rain dance. The first raindance will take place at 8pm Pacific on October 21st. During the rain dance, airdrops will be done based on the roles and secret channels you’ve unlocked either through leveling up, or knowing the secret incantations which allow you to bypass the leveling process and take a rank immediately :)

During the rain dance, the Community Managers will bestow you with gifts based on your role. Stay active and level up, or work to solve the mysteries of Ex Populus and SAY THE WORDS!

Enjoy. The world is better with you in it fam.


Special note from the suits:

Ex Populus and its community managers may disqualify you from receiving rewards and ban your account(s) at their own discretion if they suspect bots, spam or any inauthentic activity, for any other reason, or no reason at all. The rain dance contest, the people’s cup contest and any other contest, sweepstakes, raffle or give away may discontinue at anytime, with or without notice and Ex Populus is under no obligation to reward you for any reason. Your participation is at will with no warranties or guarantees.



Ex Populus

To bring joy to people around the globe with the world’s most compelling games and entertainment at the highest level possible.